New: a free tool for measuring and comparing environmental performance

Offering relevant indicators and benchmarking performance against the sector are the two aims of the Indiko Environmental Performance tool. This free service can be used by all organizations, especially those certified to ISO 14001, for measuring and comparing their environmental performance.

Tangible indicators are key to an effective environmental strategy. They play an essential role when determining opportunities for improvement, launching actions and measuring the results. Such is the aim of Indiko Environmental Performance.

This free online tool is available to all organizations, whether those launching a project to reduce their environmental impacts or those with greater maturity in environmental issues, starting with companies certified to ISO 14001 (environmental management). Certified organizations will especially appreciate the tool, since it offers an operational way of measuring their environmental performance as required by ISO 14001:2015.

Six subject areas, 29 indicators

Indiko Environmental Performance is the culmination of the research efforts spearheaded by the AFNOR Group’s environmental experts based on voluntary standards, with a helping hand from students at ESAIP[1]. The tool features an online questionnaire focusing on six environmental topics: waste, air, water, energy, biodiversity and environmental management. The AFNOR Group’s experts examine the answers and then issue a fully confidential and personalized scoreboard containing 29 indicators. The results give organizations an objective insight into the potential actions (reducing waste, using less diesel, etc.) for defining their own objectives and priorities and thereby taking tangible action in the right areas.

The stakes are high: in addition to achieving direct environmental benefits, measuring and raising environmental performance is conducive to improving products and services, saving money and addressing stakeholders’ expectations.

A benchmarking feature is also available for comparing results against other companies in the same sector. Organizations can therefore assess the most appropriate actions and move the focus wherever required according to their constraints and strategy.

Over 150 companies have already tested the tool. The more companies taking part, the richer the benchmark data. So what are you waiting for?

ISO 14001 performance environnementale

Easily evaluate your environmental performance and compare your results

[1] ESAIP is an engineering school with a wide curriculum of courses covering IT, the environment and risk prevention.

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