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Award of the certificate to CFCIM by AFNOR teams on 14 November 2016 in the France-Morocco Solutions space at the COP 22 site in Marrakech. ©DR
With COP 22 being held in the country, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Morocco achieved the “Progression” level at its AFAQ 26000 assessment, so rewarding its CSR efforts. We learn more.
Why did the CFCIM engage in a CSR assessment approach?
The CFCIM wanted to set an example to its members and to the organizations its supports, in particular in the area of sustainable development. And so in early 2015 we began to construct our corporate social responsibility approach (CSR). This CSR policy has become a strategic priority for us since it directly impacts on our interested parties (members, companies, public authorities, etc.). And it enables us to integrate our profit and development objectives with environmental and social concerns. The AFAQ ISO 26000 assessment was the logical next step. Working conditions and relations, consumer protection, local sustainable development initiatives… We considered it important for an external body to attest to the effectiveness of our actions based around the seven core subjects forming the basis of a social responsibility policy, as defined by the voluntary standard ISO 26000. But the assessment is more than simply recognition. It helps us fine tune our efforts and initiatives. We have therefore been able to prepare a clear roadmap for our contribution to sustainable development through precise decisions and directions.
After over eighteen months of actions, what are the results?
For us, CSR is an important lever for innovation. It enables us to reinvent ourselves in order to incorporate new elements into our actions or create new business models. It’s an effective approach in terms of preventing risks and reducing costs. It’s productive in that it also constitutes a real asset for our image and reputation. Thanks to CSR, we have progressed beyond the stage of taking isolated actions as tended to be the case previously. Now it’s a driving force for all our activities. It also strengthens our quality management system, established based on the international standard ISO 9001 and certified in 2000 by AFNOR Certification.
What CSR projects and actions have you launched?
Several projects resulted from this approach. A high point was November 2016, when the UN Climate Change Conference was held in Marrakech (COP 22), and we set up a support and awareness raising programme for enterprises on environmental issues. Another major action is our ongoing development of partnerships with France’s CCIs around the circular economy to help establish contacts for our member companies. We are seeking grants for this project. Internally we raise awareness in our employees about sustainable development, initiating improved waste management on our various sites, recycling, energy saving, responsible purchasing, eco-friendly practices, and so on. In the area of human resources, a key focus of any CSR policy, we have put in place a “HR Pact”. This is human resources management based around employee development, recognition, diversity, information and dialogue, autonomy, social benefits, etc. All in an environment of healthy and fulfilling working conditions. For the CFCIM this project may, in the medium term, lead to productivity gains. Lastly, we are participating in the Lalla-Salma Foundation’s “Tobacco-Free Business” programme and are a member of the UN Global Compact.
And now, how will you sustain your approach?
In 2017 we are continuing the actions defined in our plan. As regards governance, we will ensure we put into practice the commitments made in our directors’ charter, our code of professional ethics and our social dialogue policies. For our HR Pact, we intend to launch a new career management system called “Passport to the future” and which will include a development plan and a training plan. Further projects will also be deployed to improve the working environment and ambiance for employees (ergonomics in the workplace, information on weather conditions, etc.). We are also continuing CSR awareness raising actions for our teams. So, each year, we will allocate one day to each employee which he or she can use for voluntary work to help a non-profit association. In addition, innovation awards will be launched to reward employees who have developed an innovative idea or concept in the course of their work.
At Business Forums, the CFCIM will continue to deploy its systems for assessing and preventing various CSR risks, in particular as regards occupational health and safety and the environment. Companies actively involved in CSR will be given prominence: at all trade shows there will be an innovation award for companies that stand out in terms of their social, environmental or governance practices. At the same time the CFCIM will renew its support for young businesses and small enterprises, offering them more visibility at its events. As regards our own CSR assessment, we are already preparing for our renewal audit scheduled in 2018. We will extend its scope to our four industrial parks: Bouskoura, Ouled Salah, Settat and Berrechid.
[button content=”Learn more about AFAQ 26000 assessment – Assessment of social responsibility…(in French)” color=”yellow” text=”black” url=”http://www.boutique-certification.afnor.org/certification/evaluation-afaq-26000″ openin=”_blank”]
[button content=”Learn more about the international voluntary standard ISO 26000…(in French)” color=”yellow” text=”black” url=”http://www.afnor.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ISO26000-en-10-questions.pdf” openin=”_blank”]
Interview with Zeineb Benkhadra, Quality, Organization and Information Systems Manager with the CFCIM and leader of the CSR project.

Zeineb Benkhadra, Quality, Organization and Information Systems Manager with the CFCIM and leader of the CSR project.