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Sabine Brousse, Managing Director of the Metz tourist information centre, offers us a professional insight into the role played by this type of tourist organization. She values NF Service certification and explains the effects on team organization and the services delivered.
Sabine Brousse : “Our tourist information centre was certified for the first time in 1997 for reception and information services. Along with the tourist information centre in Aix-en-Provence, we were the first in France to receive such recognition from an independent third-party organization. Since 2011, all our services have been certified, meaning shop services, commercialization, promotion, communication & marketing and events organization. “
Why are you so committed to certification ?
SB : “We are there to give customers/tourists a real value-added service with guaranteed quality. Certification has prompted us to adopt the continual improvement philosophy and the need to meet everyone’s expectations, whether customers, tourists, partners or institutions. In my eyes, it was an obvious choice. We need to act like a modern and attentive organization. Furthermore, the NF Service mark also bears testament to our technical expertise. Whether visitors looking to spend a few days in the city or group parties stopping off for a few hours, we are capable of offering the right service every time.”
Tourists aside, does the NF Service mark give you a higher profile in the local market ?
SB : “Without a doubt. We are in the front-line when it comes to representing the local population. We also cater for the needs of the local authorities, who may use our expertise as a way of helping the community to promote an effective tourist service. Finally, we obviously serve our professional partners, such as the hotels, restaurants, leisure sites and cultural venues that all work in what we call the “holiday chain” and who are actually our suppliers. We work with the focus on total quality.”
Are you expecting some sort of return on investment from your NF Service certification ?
SB : “The return on investment is definitely there! The advantage of obtaining this certification from AFNOR, the first organization to recognize the core business of a tourist information centre, is that it is a perfect benchmark for offering all employees a consistent representation of what our company is, its purpose and its objectives. Everything is transparent. Since everyone knows their role, they can have an almost macro view of the tourist information organization, which gives meaning and a sense of direction. They know and can measure the impact of their actions, service by service, in the great whole that is the tourist information centre in the territory that concerns them. NF Service gives us a highly stimulating approach. Therein lies its strength.”[/column]
NF Services Offices de tourisme
NF Service Offices de tourisme vise garantit le sérieux et la qualité des Offices de tourisme en les guidant vers l’amélioration de l’accueil, l’information, la communication, la promotion et la commercialisation des prestations et produits touristiques, la vente des articles et objets (boutique) ou encore les activités évènementielles. AFNOR Certification répond ainsi aux attentes des clients/visiteurs, de la population locale, des collectivités et des prestataires touristiques.