As French Parliament is putting the finishing touches to the law on corporate due diligence, AFNOR Certification and Provigis are publishing a guide on supplier risks. An essential tool for all buyers!
On 2 November 2016, following two readings by the National Assembly and the Senate, a joint committee is examining the bill requiring multinational organizations to exercise due diligence with respect to their subsidiaries, subcontractors and suppliers. The bill’s measures include fines for companies that fail to ensure that their providers are in compliance with regulations governing health risks, corruption, human rights, and so on.
Although changes are likely to be made to the text, it sends out a clear signal: organizations will need to keep an even closer eye on the risks incurred when using the services of multiple and sometimes unreliable suppliers. Buyers in those organizations will therefore face an increasing set of responsibilities. After being put in the hot seat following the many scandals that have recently made the headlines, especially in the food & drink industry (mad cow disease, lasagna containing horse meat, etc.) and the textile sector (the Savar building collapse), purchasing departments need tools.
With this aim in mind, AFNOR Certification and Provigis are publishing a guide entitled “Buyers, keep an eye on your supplier risks“.
The contents include:
- innovation procurement;
- CSR and regulatory risks ;
- managing the sales risk.
For more than 10 years, the AFNOR Group has been helping purchasing departments structure their processes, especially in terms of sustainable procurement, by anticipating the future voluntary international standard ISO 20400. The ACESIA solution is designed to reduce procurement-related risks and guarantee your company a sustainable relationship with its suppliers.
An all-new version of the ACESIA platform has been available since mid-October. This updated version improves the user experience and gives organizations easier control over their everyday actions. The platform also features new functionality:
- a personalized dashboard for each user;
- consolidated evaluations for the same supplier;
- the option of uploading supplier audit reports.
Other new features are in the pipeline for 2017. What are you waiting for?
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